Tibetan Guidebook on UN Special Procedures released to mark United Nations Day

Centre’s researcher Nyiwoe and legal associate Phurbu Dolma during the release of the Tibetan guidebook on “Engaging with the UN Special Procedures”

24 October 2023 – To mark the 78th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) founding, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) has released “Engaging with the Special Procedures”, a Tibetan guidebook on one of the most significant human rights mechanisms: the Special Procedures.

Part of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) framework, the Special Procedures constitute a vital cadre of independent human rights experts and working groups. As such, the mechanisms address a broad spectrum of thematic human rights issues, encompassing civil, cultural, economic, political, and social rights.

Known for its efficiency and easy accessibility to various stakeholders, the Special Procedures function with transparency and accessibility, helping to highlight and address various human rights issues and evolving challenges. They are valuable tools for human rights activists and organisations around the world.

Furthermore, the Special Procedures have served as a crucial mechanism to highlight human rights issues within Tibet. For more than two decades, TCHRD has closely engaged with the Special Procedures mandate holders to shed light on numerous human rights violations occurring in Tibet. The Special Rapporteurs and Independent Experts have consistently voiced their concerns and called for action to address these violations.

Recognising the crucial importance of the Special Procedures in advancing human rights, TCHRD hopes that this guidebook will prove to be a useful resource for Tibetan human rights researchers, advocates, activists, and organisations in their work, enabling them to engage more effectively with the Special Procedures.

Download the full report in Tibetan here

Picture of Tibetan guidebook “Engaging with the UN Special Procedures”
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