On 30 October 1996, the PRC sentenced pro-democracy leader Wangdhen to 11 years imprisonment. Just weeks earlier, Liu Xiabo, another prominent pro-democracy activist, was sent to Labour Camp for 3 years for “re-education through labour” without trial for penning an open letter to China calling for Tibetan autonomy and labour reforms. A speaker for Human Rights Watch stated, “The government…
The following is taken from an account provided to the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy this week by Jamyang Dhargyal, a new arrival from Tibet. He fled Tibet for India in 1993 but returned to his homeland in 1995 determined to make Tibetans aware of international support for the Tibetan cause. He carried with him speeches of the Dalai Lama, copies of the foreign-produced…
The following information was provided by Jamyang Dhargyal who had studied in this school for three years. Bayan County Nationality School in Amdo (Ch:Qinghai) is a day-cum-boarding school admits Tibetans and Chinese Muslims. In the early 1980’s the school fees and expenses were taken on by the government and a monthly stipend of 24 yaun per student was provided. Most…